Monday, 11 April 2011

The Most Anticipated Game Of 2011 Is The Action RPG Mass Effect 3

Statements similar to the title can be found all over the internet. Especially if someone is a gamer and he likes hanging out in gaming forums, or he likes to read video game magazines. They all say the same thing again and again AND again. Whether they are trying really bad to advertise the game or they really believe that it is going to be really good.

Statements like the title are way too bold and someone should be careful when and where to say those. By saying such comments you have to be absolutely sure that this game WILL be if not the best then one of the best. Saying this as a gamer and a Mass Effect fan, yes I am looking forward for the last part of the trilogy. Because I want to see how it ends. But I am a Mass Effect FAN.

Bioware (the company which developed the game) bets its reputation on this game. So it better be as good as they say it will be. Even if the game will not be better but will follow the same standards as Mass Effect 2 did then it will still be a success. But gamers these days need and want more than that. When they pay for a sequel they demand that it will be much better than the previous part of the series. Until now Bioware is always listening to its fans and always support the people who pay them. Let's hope they won't disappoint us.

Personally I believe the new Mass Effect 3 and at the same time the last part of the series will be more than epic. It will shake the foundations of the gaming world. Ok maybe I am exaggerating but I am sure, they will make sure that it will be a lifetime experience.

So what we know so far? After the events in Mass Effect 2 where they created more questions than answers, we already knew that there would be a massive Reaper attack. And all the Galactic Alliance was getting prepared for that. Among the things that we didn't know was where they would strike first and if the Alliance would have a chance to defend themselves and strike back.

The trailer of Mass Effect 3 comes to answer some of those questions. So we know that the reapers will strike at Earth and they will almost wipe out the entire population. We know that Earth, humans, and their defenses are no match against the Reapers. We know that the Alliance or Serberus under the command of Shepard will strike back. But still those information create even more answers.

Was Earth the first planet they hit or it was the last one? Did the Alliance and the rest of the races survived or humans are the last race alive? Who is helping Shepard to strike back? Will he manage to succeed? Questions, questions and more questions. I hope Bioware will give us some more content very soon.